May 22, 2005


Wow, this weekend was crazy...Just so crazy..

My Friday started off like my usual Fridays. Usually it's my longest day of the week, this Friday was no exception, I did the usual stuff (music meetings, take record calls, do show live from the club) but this Friday was different for some odd reason-was it the heat or the fact that I hadn't got a haircut, what was it?

Well, I found out what it was and I don't want to be a mushy or anything but I ran into my highschool love and I had this weird feeling about this weekend I knew it! Well, to make a long story longer (LOL). Me and her didn't have a bad break up we dated for several years after highschool but we just ended going our separate ways which happens to a lot of people yah know. Isn't it weird how when you were really close with someone and when you run into them your hoping you look your best it never happens that way because not only did I not get my usual haircut I also wasn't able to get ready before the club UGH it always happens that way why is that?

But in all honesty it didn't matter because our friendship was much deeper than what we could ever display on the outside...With all that said it was really emotional fulfilling for me seeing somebody I cared so very much about I know it's really tough to ask how things are now in that environment being that we were at the club but it was nice seeing her ;-)

That's how my weekend kicked off! But the party is still not over....

Saturday I had a ton of plans, I made it a priority to get a haircut also I had to attend a co-workers birthday party. But I was still hungover from the night before eewww...

Well I have great friends more people that I'm closer to than ever before, my boy Abel, Dj Kique & EJ (I got stories about us to tell on a later blog) we decided to hit up our co-workersbirthday party together it was cool we had fun, so DRAMA went down BUT I'm not going to talk about it in respect to the persons involved. Oh and I saw my favorite person that works at OPM OMG she is so beautiful and seems like a cool person but she was with her man so I didn't disrespect man she is hot!

Does this story ever end?????

We ended up going downtown and I ran into ANOTHER EX GIRLFRIEND. Does the drama ever end? She told me she just broke it off with her man and we decided that we are going to have a drink this week to catch up on thangs which is cool because she's a cool person. And later on that night I ran into 5 different from highschool who asked me about life and everyone of them asked about my highschool love and asked if I was still dating her....All in one weekend just a big flashback. Really surreal if you ask me.

So in conclusion always dress your best when you go out because you NEVER know who you'll run into and don't forget that haircut you've been procrastinating on ;-)

That's my weekend in a nutshell

Time to hit up the gym peace

(PS. apologize for the grammer mistakes I just wrote with out checking it's just a BLOG for pete sakes!!!)


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