Sep 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend '09

So I thouhg I'd jump on here real quick (right now me and Mario ar playing with his legos). It's a really busy weekend I'm wrapping up the flooring in the living area downstairs + I have remotes all weekend which I am glad because I need to save all the money I can right? Twins on the way :-) Later on today I think we are going to stop by my moms house and peel some chile AWWW yeah!!! I love New Mexico! It's crazy 'cuz I've also been working on a family tree for the past year and I am back to the 1550's it's insane how long my family has been in New Mexico I've track the majority of my family back to Spain, Greece and even Cuba! Crazy, I didn't realize my ancestors were so many places, I've found a few famous uncles and Gret Great Grand Fathers along the way aswell, Kit Carson and Governer Bent are both my great, great, great! Any ways, Mario is calling me time to run! BTW, we are really starting to focus on baby girls 2 faves right now are Kya and Brooklyn! What are yours?