Oct 27, 2008


Here's the sheezy on my life as of "ta-dow...how ya like me now?" (Ice cube quote)

Well, I have totally been struggling with going to the gym on a daily basis, but I am losing weight! I need to get back and hit that treadmill though, especially with he holidays just around the corner.

My lil man is getting so tall! I measured him the other day and he's growing real fast and so smart. He really makes me smile everyday and helps me realize how beautiful life really is. I love it when I come home and he yells "daddy, daddy" and tries his hardest to tell me how his day went while I was at work. He is into a few cartoons, tom and Jerry, Sponge Bob, Dora and the dude that looks like her lol, its late I forgot his name. Mario is also learning his ABC's and 1,2,3's and he's really getting a hang of it, every-time he sees a letter he definitely gets excited and acknowledges it. He LOVES bigger kids so much and loves going to his Grandma Jennies house and Nana Mona and his god father/grandpa Bills...There is so much going on with him, we totally need to take more pictures and film him more! Mario is growing so fast!

Me and Z are doing great, poor thing she is in bed right now 'cause she had a Lasik touch-up. She is such a great person and we are definitely trying to be better people and really make a difference in peoples lives, we definitely balance each-other out extremely well. We have dreams of moving elsewhere, like the CARIBBEAN! aww yeah...we just need the dinero. We both want Mario to be well traveled and know what is going in all around the world! Well, it's time for me to go to bed, I am tired long day tomorrow!

Carlos D