Jun 27, 2005

Time always kills the pain

So I was doing laundry today (yes I do laundry)
and I was thinking (yes I even do that) ;-)

Everything that happens in our lives has happened before to someone some where, right? (I mean seriously there are love, sad, happy songs dated WAY before our time)
I mean when things happen be it bad or good for example:
-someone we love dies
-our babydoll cheats on us or breaks our heart
-you fall in love


And when it happens to us it feels like we are the ONLY one who has felt those feelings and that no one can possible understand, ya know what I'm saying?

The reason I was thinking this is because I was recently giving advise to a close friend who was cheated on and is hurting really bad...I felt his pain, I really did and I told him that "MAN, I have so been there...I have been hurt BADLY BUT I got over something I thought I would never get over, the world keeps moving with or with out you...you have to roll with the punches or you'll keep getting ROLLED, ya know!" And if your in this situation I promise you, I SWEAR you'll get over it....TIME IS ALL YOU NEED....Just a random thought an I thought I would post.....



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