Nov 30, 2004

3,2,1 The Countdown is ON!!!!!

Vacation is only TWO DAYS AWAY!!!!! FLORIDA HERE I COME!!!!!!


I can't wait...I just bought some new clothes for the extravaganza...It was so hard finding Summer clothes though it's like 85 degrees there, crazy huh? It has been so cold BRRRRRRRRRRRR.....Snow on the ground "Y TODO". My lil brother just put up Christmas lights, LOL, we're the only people on the block with lights up, makes it real easy to give directions. (grin)....It'll be my ADORABLE nephews first birthday, awww how cute! That little dude has grown up SO much, he is SO spoiled. He doesn't stop smiling he laughed for the first time last week...I know your probably like (blah blah blah okay Carlos enough about the kid) but I didn't realize you can love somebody SOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!! BTW...I'm STILL eating leftovers, turkey for breakfast, mash potatoes for lunch, and stuffing for dinner & TAMALES for dessert....AAAAAight, I'm on the air now so I better get back to work!

Hasta la manana!

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-- George Bernard Shaw

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