Jul 27, 2006

Sept 11, 2001

So I I was browsing on youtube.com today and I found a video of tower two of the World Trade Center falling at the same time a certain gentleman was on the phone when it collapsed...I have to be honest with you I have not attempted or even kept it on the same channel when TV shows show the buildings fall...It is so tough for me to see it I can only imagine how tough it is for the familys of the people who were killed that day, my heart sinks & my eyes fill with tears everytime I even watch a snippet it takes me back to Sept 11th 2001. When I woke up and all the channels were submerged in it I thought we were getting bombed it was so very scary and something I can/will never forget. Well, after talkin myself into it thinking I would be ok and it's been so long I watched the video and I felt those same feelings I felt that day, realizing that you never know when it is your time to go....with that I just want to say make sure you always SHOW people how much you care for them...always.

If you want to see the video I inserted it in this blog, let me give you a forewarning, it is heartbreaking.

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