Nov 23, 2004

My new FRIENDS!!

Hey this isn't Carlos D. Today you're lucky enough to hear from the beautiful Catherine!!! If you were listening to the radio on Nov. 23 from 10p to about 11p you've heard me and my friends Andrea and Nicole! Carlos said I could go ahead and tell you all how cute and available I am since we're bored and hanging out here at the station and he wants to be a bad boy and not do his work!!! lol However, he should be good and do his work since he's lucky because we brought him a cool Spongebob gooey thing to play with, that he'd better mention on the air sometime!! Well I'm gonna pass the keyboard off to Nicole now! Talk to ya'lls later!!

Hey, this is Nicole (this is actually Catherine again, Nicole just told me to type for her too, lol).... ooow, ok, she just punched me, I'll behave now. We're watching some crazy stuff on tv w/ Snoop, Jay Leno and some 1/2 naked guys jumping up and down... take out Jay, and count me in;)!!! goodnight ya'll. *** muah**

Helloooooooo errrrrrbody!!!! This is Andrea! How goes it? Its goin' pretty good over here. Hope you listen to this show b/c its really cool and yeah...its pretty fun here in the studio! I don't know what else to put, so I guess I should stop typing now, but its pretty cool just to type about nothing b/c I'm just trying to take up space. So yeah...Imma go now, errrrbody have a nice day/night and don't forget to listen to Carlos D!!!! Take care and make sure to always smile! :oD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just like you requested:

ha ha!! ;-)

*muah* Catte! lol