I be posting like a mo fo lately!
I realize I am SO freakin random it's crazy, I used to be so good at paying attention to people (or at least faking it but now if I'm not interested in a conversation I blank out and it's totally and utterly embarrassing, I feel bad, people probably think I'm a jerk, well I can be but when I zone out it's not them hmmm maybe it is....what was I talking about?
So this weekend was off the HINGES it was so WILD AND NAKED! jk I wish! actually it was that same old ritual thang....
So anyway, I am at the club and a couple of my friends showed up, you see my friends are girls SUPER HOT, but we are just friends which is cool, anyway, I was dancing with them and there is something that I don't get, why is it everytime I'm dancing PEOPLE whom I am good friends (but don't hang with on a regular basis) with interrupt? I know they mean no harm and yes alcohol is involved but really I think it is kinda rude...it was bugging me because different friends kept coming up to me while I was dancing trying to start conversation. Don't get me wrong I probably do it all the time to people but still...LOL. I felt bad though fo realio!
Well, I think that's enough typing it's time for my BIG OL BOOOOTAY to get on the r-a-d-i-o!
oh and congrats to all my peeps graduating...2005 baby!
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