May 16, 2005

badda bing!

Not sure what the titles supposed to mean but ahwell...

I be posting like a mo fo lately!

I realize I am SO freakin random it's crazy, I used to be so good at paying attention to people (or at least faking it but now if I'm not interested in a conversation I blank out and it's totally and utterly embarrassing, I feel bad, people probably think I'm a jerk, well I can be but when I zone out it's not them hmmm maybe it is....what was I talking about?

So this weekend was off the HINGES it was so WILD AND NAKED! jk I wish! actually it was that same old ritual thang.... " can find me in the club bottle full of BUB momma got what you need..." The club was crazy busy this Friday OMG! If you didnt go you def missed out!

So anyway, I am at the club and a couple of my friends showed up, you see my friends are girls SUPER HOT, but we are just friends which is cool, anyway, I was dancing with them and there is something that I don't get, why is it everytime I'm dancing PEOPLE whom I am good friends (but don't hang with on a regular basis) with interrupt? I know they mean no harm and yes alcohol is involved but really I think it is kinda was bugging me because different friends kept coming up to me while I was dancing trying to start conversation. Don't get me wrong I probably do it all the time to people but still...LOL. I felt bad though fo realio!

Well, I think that's enough typing it's time for my BIG OL BOOOOTAY to get on the r-a-d-i-o!


oh and congrats to all my peeps graduating...2005 baby!


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