Apr 15, 2009

So, you've probably been seeing my lil random post on here...I have totally been meaning to type a REAL blog but I haven't.  I've been meaning to, I just haven't...sorry.

Well life's been great I can't complain my son is getting bigger and talking and I couldn't be prouder.  I am really fortunate to have such a wonderful life.  What's on my mind?  I really wish I was closer to my old friends, it's weird how life passes by so quickly it feels like just yesterday I was at Kiss FM answering phones for Terry M*fn Young and now I have my own afternoon show I really think I am the luckiest man in the world, I am really fortunate and blessed.

I had a great conversation with Zariah today. We were watching Larry King and he had Tori Spelling' mom on the show...it really made me realize how wonderful my life is. Let me tell you why, she was babbling about how she "cares" so much about her grandchildren but hasn't met them.. NOW I really don't know or care about her situation.  But, I do know she is as rich as ritchie rich selling crack and she doesn't talk to her her grandchildren because of her beef with her daughter.  Well, me and Zariah both whole heartedly agreed that if we were asked what we'd we rather have...a life with your kin/ grandchildren or a 10 bedroom home with maids and such we'd both pick the kiddies in a milli second.  

My question is WHO WOULDN'T? Why? isn't that what life is really about? At the end of the day is anyone gonna care if you had a mansion? Hell no! They are going to talk about the "real" things you did in your life.   And thats where I am at, I am doing my best to make sure I am living a REAL-life, I want my grandkids to talk about what a great man I was and the great things I did. 

Whew..okay I better stop., but really I needed to vent, thanks for being there.  I am really wanting to be the best person I could be for my kiddo and I will stop at nothing to be that person I know I can be and I hope you do the same.  I'd love to know what's going on in your life, I'd love to be inspired by your dreams and aspirations...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more