Sep 20, 2007

Feeeling ALOT better!

I think it was something I ate that got me sick?! UGH! It really blew, fo real! I was hoping to feeel better for Z's B-day and woohoo all better...

My day off started slow, it was real nice just hanging with my little family...I watched little Mario D' While Z cleaned out our HUGE closet (Cough**that we can't walk in***cough***cause women have 2 million accessorys***cough***) haha, ya, yup.

After hangin at the house getting some stuff done, we dropped off El Nino at his Cousin Amys and we hit up some dinny-din-dinner @ Zios, FINE DINING to say the least and we figured since we were already in the Cottonwoooood AREA we'd hit up a movie @ the mall.

While we were killing time before the movie started we frolicked through the mall holding hands and singing songs from the Jamaican Choir...It was nice! Naw, really, we shopped...and shopped...then we dropped it like it was hot. JK. KIDDDDING, but really this time. WE both bought some pimp ass sunglasses for the fall and I got a couple shirts on sale for next year, although I LOVE LIL MARIO! It was nice spending time together, it was a sweet date! Damn! btw I 4got that the food at the theatres were so frikkin exxxpensive GAW-leeeze! 17 buckaroos for a frikkin popcorn and two kicks? WT-ef?

We had fun oooh we saw the third Bourne movie it was DOOOOPE! Then we went home had drinks and CRASHED out...we were tired!

Life is great!

OOH! today was a crazy day too! I met Lucy Walsh haha she was a riot! Very cool/down too earth person, check out the interview later this week when I have a chance to put it up on the site or k? She is homies with Brit she gave me the scoop, nothing but nice things to say about goood ol' Brit though...anyway got to go on the air...REESES PEICES!


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