What a fast day! It is zooming by for me...zoom zoom! Been @ work since 8 this morning though, whoa nelly! Won't get off til 1 in the am tonight after O-PM, all good baby! I love my job so much I wouldn't even call it work, ja know?!!!! I get a little break before I head out to the club so it's def nice, I am actually going to roll with Z to a post production party, she was in a movie, she did great I am sure. She got killed in the movie with a very cool part, I can't wait to see it! Well, not see her die, but see her kick some ass in the movie..lol. (even though she's the one who got her ass kicked, er ya..)
So busy at the house, getting the spare bedroom ready for my lil dude, after seeing all his stuff in it, it was really cool and heart warming to say the least, hard to believe that I made a little me..I can;t wait to meet him!
This weekend we are planning to hang with Z's two bothers (Greg and Pat) and her sis (Theresa) to celebrate Pat's B-day, probably hitting up PAPADEAX's mmm yummy! That's about it yo! I'll try to check in over the weekend, DAT MY WORD!!
BADboy 4 life!
CArloS D-Z for sheezy~
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