Sep 14, 2006

1 inch off 1 second behind

AHHH!!! Don't you HATE it when you get up and it feels like you are 1inch off? don't understand? Let me explain, here's how my day has gone:

8:00am: Woke up this morning to go to work for an hour or so to get a couple things done, ran into my dresser and cut/bruised my side *ouch

10:00am: Went to the gym and couldnt find a parking if my life depended on on it...seemed like everyone was getting THAT space right before me. (btw:I work out downtown S&W)

10:30a: After cardio I kept on bumping into the equipment, not just lil bumps HARD bumps!!! *ouch

12:00p: Munched on a frescata sandwich from Wendys and totally missed my mouth, SEVERAL TIMES!!!! UGH!!!

Well, so thats why I say I am an inch off and a second behind.

Well, back to work!



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