This weekend is going to be fun, I'm headed up NORTH to Taos, that's where my familia is from. My cousin Poncho is getting married to the mother of his adorable kids over the weekend andthis is the first wedding I'm not in it seems like I'm in everybody's wedding, which I don't mind cause that means I get to ROLL OUT in the LIMO! This time I'll just be a spectator. Aw well
I'm going to head up to the wedding with my sis SHA NA-NA aka: as Naomi ;-). I NEED TO GET MARRIED, let's get married? NOW!!!! I'm a virgin, does that impress you? Well if your a girl, LOL...If that's not a desperate cry for help I don't know what is. My married friends tell me to stay single & my single friends hope I get married, confusing...
I wonder what's better? Married or single I've only been single forever but I have had a long term girlfriend before, ya me! Is that close enough? If it is... then married would be better...okay, I know I need to stop babbling about married peeps and single peeps. So I'll stop
Well, well, well, I hope you have a great weekend whatever you do and to my friends out of work looking for jobs keep ya head up! (long story)
Peace & hair grease!
What's better Married life or Single life? Please tell..........Hit "comment" and let me know! -carlos
Married life ROCKS!
Married life is the best i got married at age 21 and i've been married for almost 6 years. I meet my husband when i graduated in 96'
well carlos hum i have been married scence 97 met my hubby in my economics class in 96 and its ok its nice to wake up to some one day in day out the same person but at the same time wanting to hook up with other pepole and flirt and see where it goes is well i guess u can guess a no no unless ur in an open marriage and i guess if u have had a live in girlfeind for a long time i guess the onlly diff is that u got a legal peices of paper saying that ur married sorta like a peice of paper saying u own that person or some thing like tha ti dont know any ways much love to u
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