Dec 2, 2004

See ya!

Okay, well off to vacation I go. I'll try my hardest to update my blog when i'm in Tampa Bay k. I have so much to do, ugh. When I get home at midnight I still have to wash some clothes and straighten up the house, I hate coming back when the house is a mess, because I know I'll need a day to just veg out and recover from wrestling alligators (LOL). And I am freakin starving all I've ate today was some chex mix stuff, we actually have a vending machine here but "bobby bright boy" (ME) only has a fiva dolla bill, well genius the machine only takes one dollar bills, the funny thing is I actually tried using the 5 what a brainiac huh? I usually don't eat this late BUT you know what, sometimes in your life ya gotta break the rules, muhahaha (evil laugh that's what that was). So TACO CABANA warm those tortillas for CARLOS D because I'm ON MY WAY! Have fun look out for my BOY Big Worm holding down the fort at night, check him out at OPM FRIDAY night k? Ladies night baby....Well B.B.C.D is O-U-T

There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved. ~ by George Sand ~

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