Nov 4, 2004

My sisters b-day!

Happy birthday to my sister Naomi, she works over at Comcast so if you see her today make sure you wish her a happy birthday, man she's old! haha jk...My sis is pretty cool though I used to follow her around ALL THE TIME when I was a little kid, and she was so MEAN to me then. But now we're cool...We'll probably go out to eat this weekend, usually my family does that for birthdays ect....So I get this wild idea yesterday to buy a camcorder, yup I did it and I have been taping everything and when I say EVERYTHING I mean it, I need to get a video section on my page so you can check out my video taping skills, haha....Okay, time to go to the gym, UGH today is LEGS DAY I hate legs day!
Just a friendly reminder, make sure you sign up foe "KOB-FM Insider" 250 more points tonight at 7pm so make sure your listening!

Happy birthday NA!


Click ME!

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