So I figure that the longest relationship I've ever had is with YOU! Undoubtedly...Longer than I have EVER had a girl friend...YOU! (I have been on the radio for 13 years, crazy)! The person on the other side of the speaker, more than ever I feel SO comfortable sharing my daily life with ya...SOOOO I'm going to share it ;-)
So next Thursday is my birthday and DUDE I am freakin' out, SERIOUSLY! It's funny how when your a kid you think that "when I'm 21 I am going to have this" "when I am thirty I am going to be like this" well...ALL THAT I assumpted IS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! I mean honestly I count my blessings everyday, I have a beyond comparable family. Not a person on earth could ever ask for anything better than mi familia, I have a awesome career & great friends relatively besides that everything is twisted up like a twizzler FOE' REAL! My relationships with girls are so crazy, first off I am drama free and I know if I ran into any of my ex's things would be cool, awkward, but cool...Without reservation the girls I get mixed up RECENTLY with are SO bad for me they are always into me for the wrong reasons etc...UGH! I am so jaded!!!!!!! And I have this instinctual mechanism about me that I CAN'T settle for anything less than I think I deserve, I have the mentality that I always deserve better, always. What do I do? Ah well...
Otherwise, things are great in my life! The radio station is successful and it makes me feel good, so marvelous! I know that all those late nights and lengthy hours brainstorming with my program director about how we could construct KOB-FM to be the best radio station in America wasn't in vain, and I love that! Well well well it's 2:31am and I am at work time for me to get back to the grind, thanks for letting me share my thoughts with YOU!
Always your friend,
Carlos Duran